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army group 集團軍。

Practice in checking of developed country that the second part of the article has touched upon some countries of the west very relatively , hope to pass the understanding to western countries “ different practices in the check army group of the tax revenue , use some experience succeeding for reference from it , get some helpful enlightenment 文章的第二部分論及了西方一些國家特別較發達國家在稽查方面的實踐,希望通過對西方國家在稅收稽查方面的不同實踐的了解,從中借鑒某些成功的經驗,獲得某些有益的啟示。

army register

According to resisting and unite working out , kim il sung successive camp , regiment , shi zhengwei , two , five armies unite the command post political commissar and concurrently commandant of river army of reed , three two armies division 1936 year , second armies weave jointly no . army from one at one army where yang jingyus leads , these teacher designations change into six division of teacher , command resist and unite and teach and for a camp of battalion commanders a no . of army two army groups 按抗聯編制,金日成歷任營團師政委,二五軍聯合指揮部政委兼葦河部隊司令員,二軍三師1936年,二軍與楊靖宇領導的一軍合編為第一路軍,該師番號改為六師師長,一路軍二方面軍指揮,抗聯教導旅蘇聯遠東方面軍步兵八十八旅一營營長。

Practice in checking of developed country that the second part of the article has touched upon some countries of the west very relatively , hope to pass the understanding to western countries “ different practices in the check army group of the tax revenue , use some experience succeeding for reference from it , get some helpful enlightenment 文章的第二部分論及了西方一些國家特別較發達國家在稽查方面的實踐,希望通過對西方國家在稅收稽查方面的不同實踐的了解,從中借鑒某些成功的經驗,獲得某些有益的啟示。

According to resisting and unite working out , kim il sung successive camp , regiment , shi zhengwei , two , five armies unite the command post political commissar and concurrently commandant of river army of reed , three two armies division ( 1936 year , second armies weave jointly no . army from one at one army where yang jingyus leads , these teacher designations change into six division of ) teacher , command resist and unite and teach and for a camp of battalion commanders a no . of army two army groups 按抗聯編制,金日成歷任營、團、師政委,二、五軍聯合指揮部政委兼葦河部隊司令員,二軍三師( 1936年,二軍與楊靖宇領導的一軍合編為第一路軍,該師番號改為六師)師長,一路軍二方面軍指揮,抗聯教導旅(蘇聯遠東方面軍步兵八十八旅)一營營長。

As a result of the heavy partisan actions against the german lines in 1943 , the slovak 12th engineer battalion was sent to the rear area of army group south where it took part in vital rail repair operations to fix lines cut by the soviet partisans 1943年,由于蘇聯游擊隊頻繁的襲擊德軍防線,斯洛伐克第12工兵營被派往集團軍群后方,參與了維修被蘇聯游擊隊破壞了的重要鐵路的行動。

Rommel , who had lost the favor of hitler after tunisian campaign and had been demoted to a post in northern italy for some time , was now recalled to an important position , the commander of army group b in the western front 隆美爾將軍在突尼斯戰役后,曾經一度失去希特勒的寵愛,被降職到意大利的北部,此刻他又被重新啟用,調到諾曼底擔任一個重要職務:西線的b集團軍司令。

In the beginning , we set up diy computer refit army group , address our self to talk by refit technique and correlative discussion about refit products . after we make a concerted effort , diy computer refit armygroup sprouts 最初成立diy改裝軍團,致力于改裝技術交流與相關改裝產品討論,在所有會員共同參與的努力下, diy改裝軍團有了顯著的成長。

In the begining of august , 1941 , the slovak army group was pulled out of the lines when it was decided to form two new units that would be better suited to the actions they would be taking part in 1941年8月初,斯洛伐克遠征集團軍群在前線度過了難關以后,認為組建兩個新的作戰單位應該更加適合他們所需要參加的作戰行動。

Patton , rommel ' s old rivalry , was sent to dover on the other side of the strait to command a fictional american army group and make large scale construction prepared for allied landing operations 隆美爾的老對手? ?美軍名將巴頓,被派到了多佛爾地區,指揮一個并不存在的美國集團軍,并且為登陸作戰構筑大規模土木工程。

An operational pause ensued at the center of the front while armored forces from army group center struck south to link up with forces striking northward from army group south 當裝甲的力量從軍隊小組中心碰撞南部與碰撞向北從軍隊小組的力量連接南時,操作的停留接著而來了在前面的中心。

The best units of the former slovak army group were now organized into two new divisions , the 1st slovak ( mobile ) infantry division and the 2nd slovak ( security ) infantry division 斯洛伐克遠征集團軍群中最優秀的單位重新組成了兩個新的師:第一機動化步兵師和第二警衛步兵師。

The sixth army group led by jen pi - shih and other comrades began to shift to comrade ho lung ' s area in august last year , and in october we ourselves started to shift position 從去年八月任弼時同志等率領第六軍團向賀龍同志的地方開始轉移起,接著就是十月開始的我們的轉移。

Chinchow , however , fell and with it 120 , 000 troops while the liao army group was just a little way out of mukden 但是,廖兵團剛開出沈陽不遠,錦州便告失守,防守該城的十二萬蔣軍全軍覆沒。

Chiang ordered an army group of twelve divisions under general liao yao - hsiang to the relief of the beleaguered city 蔣命今廖耀湘兵團十二個師馳援,以解錦州之圍。

Three german army groups faced three soviet fronts 三個德國軍隊小組面對三蘇聯前面。

Army group north was driving up along the baltic toward leningrad . 北方軍團,沿著波羅的海向列寧格勒挺進。